This is band aids that Amelia just got for Christmas in her stocking. Now granted there were only 10 in the pack, but really it was necessary to use 10 band aids between Christmas and now...because I do not remember any visible wounds on my kids.
However, it's completely necessary, apparently, to keep the empty box in the cabinet.
The other day I needed a band aid and NONE---not one, could be found in the whole house, however according to the next picture if I had a major bullet wound I would be good.
The Hoarders show called and said it's ok to throw out old toothbrushes. Really!
New, extra, back-up blow dryer...because if you ever killed your hair dryer in 10 degrees weather in the make sure you have a back up.
Here's my proof for the IRS if they need to prove my chiropractor receipts. I take a freebie every time I'm there. Do I use them...ah, no.

Funny story....I went to Dollar General one day to get icy hot for my back. While there I had some on. A small boy was there with his grandmother, he turned to her and asked what the minty weird smell was.....I was way too embarrassed to admit it was me!

Paris Hilton perfume smells good, but then she makes me feel stupid by adding glistening lotion (i.e. glitter) to the package. And then I feel way too old to wear her perfume.
The next 2 pics are "What was I thinking?"
Number 1: black liquid eyeliner. If you are a girl and can master this magic you deserve an award.
Number 2: I wish I could say the camera distorted the color of this eye shadow, but no.
It's really this wonderful shade of teal.

This may border on TMI but I'm an open book.....why I have this much feminine products I don't know. I have an IUD and do not get periods. Maybe I'll save them for girl child....or better yet...make the kids use them as a band aides. Ok, look away from the pads and tampons and to the contact paper below them...
Don't you love the 70's print of the cabinet liner. My dad made this cabinet, I'm sure my mom lined it with this contact paper. I don't have the heart to change it (really, I'm just too lazy to)!
1990 called and wants their curling irons back...I'm ready for this fad again!
Once upon a time I thought I would save money by doing my own pedicures. Reality: it doesn't happen!
Sephora....every time I find a foundation I love (see left) you discontinue it, yet I hold onto the bottle praying you will make it again, or maybe I could squeeze out a few more drops. Then I give up and find another there I like (see right picture). This has color matching technology. Not sure how this magic works but I think it contains little elves that pour out and paint my face to match my skin completely! Love it!

Razors are the reason I don't coupon....seriously this is the extras....way too many.
Same issue with lip sticks and lip glosses....I'm much more of a chap stick girl....I love me some chap stick!
This is powder. This is the exact replica of the power container that used to sit on the back of my grandmother's toilet. I don't use powder but will have this to remind me of her every time I open the cabinet!
The cabinet also had pregnancy tests, drug tests, and lice treatment kits in it....all for work and hopefully (I pray) none for my family's personal need!
I also threw out an entire garbage bag of junk...old medicine especially. Apparently I missed the memo that my kids aren't teething anymore and infant Tylenol probably is outdated for their age. I needed to remind myself what year it was...I think if it's from 2002 it's probably lost it's potency.
That's it...there's a peek in my bathroom cabinets.
What weird things do you have? Save? Share some stories so I don't look so crazy!
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