Sunday, November 17, 2013

Weekly reflections 11/17/13


1. If you ever see my kids at school with no shoes on, you'll know I followed through on my threats. 
2. Don't ever judge my fashion sense by what I wear to bus stop or in car to drop kids off at school. 
3. Holidays are coming up. I'm going to need more Xanax. 
4. If I'm running errands my dog is in the car with me. I also talk to her more daily than Rich. 
5. If I am overly tired I get extremely itching and can't fall asleep. 
6. My name is Carla and I'm addicted to "looming". Please just send cool yarn to me. 

7. I loved seeing everyone's random info this week on FB. 
8. I completely missed my weekly update last week because I had a girls weekend in deep creek and drank too much all weekend and couldn't think of anything I learned. 
9. Every time (which is daily) I crack my neck I think of Jim Gish from high school. In fact it's crazy the things I associate daily with people from my past. 
10. It's ridiculous the amount of people who already have their Christmas  lights on outside already. (However I'm not going to lie, I've started to decorate the inside of my house, but if you know the amount of stuff I have you will know it will take me until the week before to finish). 
 11. I have 13 chickens and no eggs. If this continues I will have chicken in my freezer however. 

That's all for this week. What can you reflect on? Share! 

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