Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weekly reflections 4/21/13


1. I've set a goal to work as many hours as possible for the next several months to see if maxing out hours with clients helps them faster. Not sure of the outcome yet, but I do know I've been in client's homes more than my own lately.
2. I should know better than to ever wear white. I just can't function without getting dirty.
3. I'm in painting withdraw.
4. I dealt with March coming in and going out like a lion. I didn't think I'd have to deal with April doing the same.
5. I need to be in a tent. In the woods. Without cell service.
6. I'm like a momma waiting to give birth for my little chickies to be delivered.
7. Pool parties--my house this summer. It's ordered and waiting to be paid off to be installed--yea!!! Thanks BEA for the bonus!
8. Boston owned that man hunt. Good job and thanks for keeping lots of people safe. My sympathies to those who lost loved ones and have injuries.

That's all for this week! Enjoy your week!!

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