Sunday, September 15, 2013

What I learned. 9/15/13


1. MP McDonalds please bring back Heinz ketchup, your off brand sucks.
2. I'm on 3rd week of no diet Pepsi. It's truly amazing how much better I feel. 
3. Holy cow Amelia has a YMCA class this year 730-815.  Momma needs her couch my 8pm. 
4. My name is Carla, and I'm a comma abuser. 
5. I often wonder if I'm overeducated, or undereducated. 
6. I want to be debt free, I really do. This may involve starting to turn tricks. But then I should get skinnier first. I'll start tomorrow (throws another chip in my mouth). 
7. Rich caught a 'man-cold'. He says it much worse than colds I get. Ugh. 

Have a good week! Share some reflections you have! 

For the dear hubby and son. 

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